Unified communications: Embracing the opportunity with the best launch strategy

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Featured Image - Article by Stephane Bruyneel at Netaxis Solutions website

In our previous blog post, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of two scenarios for launching a new unified communications service. While both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 have their merits, there is a third scenario to consider: working together with a partner specialised in automation and voice services for operators.

Recap blog post 1: Rolling out UC services together with voice is a challenge for many operators. Two scenarios can be envisaged by doing it themselves whereby break-even points often exceed the current investment windows of 36 months, and the return is below traditional telecoms services. An alternative scenario is described hereafter.

Scenario 3: Advanced Automation with a specialised partner

One of the biggest advantages of this third scenario is the speed to market. By partnering with a specialised provider, operators can leverage their experience and knowledge to launch a new service quickly and efficiently. This reduces the time it takes to generate revenue and allows operators to seize market opportunities before their competitors.

existing automated platform - mono uc strategy


  1. Ability to benefit from the experiences of the partner. A specialised provider can share their knowledge and expertise in launching and operating Unified Communications services. This can help operators avoid common pitfalls and make better decisions when it comes to pricing, marketing, and product development.
  2. Ensures that the platform remains up to date. The UC industry is constantly evolving, and operators need to adapt to stay ahead of the curve. By working with a partner, operators can ensure that their solution remains up to date and offers the latest features and functionality to their customers.


  1. Requires the operator to relinquish some control over the platform. The partner may have their own agenda and priorities, which may not align with those of the operator. This can result in conflicts and disagreements, which can be detrimental to the success of the partnership.
  2. The risk of dependency on the partner. If the partner goes out of business or discontinues their services, the operator may be left without a platform and have to start from scratch. This can be costly and time-consuming and can have a negative impact on the operator’s reputation and market position.

Despite these potential drawbacks, working with a specialised partner can unlock significant benefits for operators. By moving faster to the market, a bigger opportunity can be unleashed, growing the potential versus Scenario 2 of the previous blog post by 40%. in revenue The margin after 5 years also improves to nearly 60% as higher volumes are reached. Payback time is drastically reduced due to time-to-market acceleration.

Scenario 4: One that should not be forgotten

This opens up a fourth scenario: working with an external partner that provides a platform that allows rolling out multiple UC services and applications. By expanding their portfolio, operators can tap into a larger market opportunity than rolling out a single UC solution. 

The resultant revenues can grow by 160% compared to the base scenario and doubling the margin compared to Scenario 3. 

Not only does Scenario 4 open up the opportunity to greatly increase returns but it also reduces risk by facilitating the straightforward introduction of new applications and services in a UC industry that is rapidly evolving. As the popularity of one UC platform wanes the next “big thing” will be an easy train to jump on board.

Working with a partner with a flexible platform reduces the risk of betting on the wrong UC solution tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

existing automated platform - multi UC strategy

In conclusion, partnering with a specialised provider can be a highly effective way to launch and operate a new unified communications service. By leveraging their expertise, operators can reduce time to market, benefit from their experiences, and ensure that their platform remains up to date. While there are some potential drawbacks to consider, the benefits can far outweigh them.

Netaxis FUSION

At Netaxis, we have been working with telecoms operators for over 15 years, helping them embrace the opportunities they seek. Our mission is to provide the best possible solutions and support to help operators succeed in the highly competitive telecoms industry. If you are interested in learning more about Netaxis Fusion and how it can help you launch and operate a new unified communications service, please do reach out for more information.

fusion platform- unleashing the UC opportunity

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